Music in the Community
Music Major For A Day
High school students interested in pursuing a degree in music or music education have the opportunity to spend a day with Buffalo State faculty and students with this free event.
Summer Music Institute
The Buffalo State Summer Music Institute offers students in grades 7-12 from Buffalo and throughout Western New York the opportunity to improve their performance skills in classical, jazz, or musical theatre.
Early Childhood Music and Movement
In this research-based and internationally-recognized program, skilled teachers guide you and your child through carefully planned music and movement activities. These experiences foster your child's innate potential for being musical and creative and help you recognize and reinforce your child's music development.
Buffalo Urban Music Project (BUMP)
BUMP is a community music for 4th - 8th grade students living in the Western New York region. Students participate in ensembles, classes, and lessons led by Buffalo State faculty and undergraduate music education majors.
On hiatus for 2023-2024 year.
Our Alumni
Our alumni are ever-present, and making a difference in their communities.
Music Educator of the Year Awards
Colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to their students, their institution, and the field of music education are awarded by Buffalo State faculty and students collaborate with dozens of dedicated and talented music educators from around western New York.